Philanthropic services

Partnerships to help your firm quarterback philanthropy for clients.

The Advisor Guidebook is a great resource for your team to review detailed information on the philanthropic services available with your custom donor-advised fund program.

With your firm’s custom giving program, you have the opportunity to serve your clients holistically, at every stage of their philanthropic journey. We have partnered with best-in-class philanthropic service providers to enhance the capabilities of your clients’ donor-advised fund, so you can extend your offering further and engage more deeply with your clients.

Note: Our partners may assess additional costs for their services, which can be deducted from your client’s DAF balance.

You have access to the following philanthropic service partners through your white-labeled DAF solution:

  • Complex asset donations: Charitable Solutions can help your clients maximize their tax advantages and navigate the illiquid asset contribution process, including donations of real estate, business interests, restricted or privately-held stock, and other assets.

  • Philanthropic advisory: Calvin Edwards & Company, GiveTeam, Raise for Good, or SimpleCharity can serve alongside you to help your clients craft a vision for their generosity and identify impactful opportunities that align with their giving goals.

  • International grantmaking: TrustBridge Global can support your clients as they use their DAF to give to organizations around the world with tax-deductible international grantmaking.

  • Impact investing: Impact Foundation can make it possible for your clients to use their DAF balance to make investments in loans to for-profit ventures for social good, or to make recoverable grants and loans to charities.

If you would like to explore how Charityvest for Advisors can serve as your firm's philanthropic practice, request a demo on our website or contact our team at for more information.

Last updated